" Delaware became the first state Thursday to launch what officials call a full suite of Internet gambling, an effort the governor and casino operators hope will revive revenues from an industry hit hard because of competition from border states." -USA Today
And 'experts' thought it would never happen... Again, as we suspected, online gaming regulations developing here in the states is becoming more of a reality each and every week. Delaware has taken a huge step and is showing other states how to break down the barriers by setting up its own online gaming commission that will regulate the industry for the state.
On the same note, New Jersey is right on the heels of Delaware; the Garden State is set to do the same starting November 26th.
What a month!
When it comes to tapping into new revenue streams for the state, not many states want to be one to miss out. We believe that as Nevada, Delaware, and New Jersey prove that the model can work here in the states, other states will jump on the bandwagon (over time).
“It's gonna happen no matter what. The Internet is part of everyday life. ... You are either going to get on the train or be left behind.” — Ed Sutor, Dover Downs Hotel and Casino
We are excited about the progress.
Until next time,
The Wager Wars Team